Friday 13 March 2020

Mistletoe Bay camp

What we need a pack for Mistletoe Bay Camp.
I like to go fishing so I think I'm a writing about my fishing gear that I need to take first you want to have a fishing rod or a hand line and then you gonna want some sinkers size 3 or 4 and where I'm going we are going to need size 2 hooks now you have to look at your tackle box you want to put all your size 2 hooks in your tackle box can you want a pocket knife if you catch any fish and if you want to kill it
so you might need some bait you also want to take some spinners maybe 1 or 2
and then you want to cut it open and then you want to cut the fillets out of the fish and then you want to cook the fillets I would rather have lemon on mine is quite good you should try it.
This is a picture of me fishing when I was 6 or 7. I caught 6 fish that day. That was my best day fishing so far.


  1. Kia Ora Declan this is Arli from Grey Main school i Hope you are holding up well through lock down i really like your fishing post it sounds to me that you know what you are doing and fishing is one of your hobby's i really like how you said what size hooks and sinkers we need that will be very helpful.
    what are those fish you caught are they herrings?.
    well done Declan

  2. Hey Declan, its tricky to comment on your blog because I could not find the "comments" box. Its a mystery.
    I enjoyed reading about fishing. I like fishing too. And I always put lemon on my fish! You have lots to write about, which is great, but don't be afraid of punctuation. Next time throw in a few full stops please.
    Hope you are staying warm and cozy Learning at Home!
    See ya
    Mrs Gully.

  3. Hi Declan

    I have been keeping an eye on your blog and would love to see a post about what you've been doing to keep busy during the lockdown.

    The hardest thing is trying to decide what to write so maybe you could pick one activity that you enjoyed and share it on your blog for me. Then I can give it a go and tell you how we went in my bubble!

    It may be a physical activty eg at my house we created an inside obstacle course using the couch and cushions and dining table!

    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Miss Panther


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