Thursday 23 April 2020

My special place

Today I wrote about my special place.

My Grandy’s Farm

My special place is on my Grandads farm. I can see fences. The fences are grey with electric wire running through them. I can see large rectangular paddocks covered in long thick green grass. The ground is muddy with holes from the cows hooves. There is cow poop all over the place no wonder why you have to wear boots. The cows are in a paddock, next door to the paddock that I am in, they are happily grazing away in the paddock chewing the grass. Cows are mooing, the sun is hot on my body, it is summertime. In the tractor it’s so hot with the door open going to pick up the big round silage bales the dog is happily running beside the tractor barking away. The silage smells like grass that has been left fermenting leaving a strong but a little bit of a sweet smell in it.


  1. Hey Declan!
    Thanks for sharing your special place! I just knew you would write about your Grandad's farm! It certainly sounds like a pretty special place! I really like how you have described the smell of the farm, I can just image it!
    Do you have any photo's of your Grandad's farm that you could share with us? How often do you get to go there?

    Keep up the great writing Declan!
    Miss H :-)

  2. Hi Declan

    It was really great to read about your Grandad's farm! You must have the best time going and visiting him. I can just imagine you having an absolute blast on the farm.
    Yeah not sure I would be a big fan of the smell on this farm! I am sure you get used to it though!!
    It would be great to see some photos of you on the farm! I am sure you will have some. It would be great if you could post some!

    Keep up the great work!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)

  3. Hi Declan,
    You really described your special well. I know you have really missed going to visit these holidays. Hopefully it won't be long now.
    Keep up the good work.


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