Sunday 13 September 2020

the week in the jungle


In the jungle with my friend 

The week in the jungle

 the jungle I had  two friends one of them survived the other one got killed by hip hippopotamus now it's me so now it's just me and Hunter we have to survive a week in the jungle.

 before we get picked up we have the watch out that we don't stand on  snakes watch out for Tigers and try not to go to close to  the water otherwise a  hippopotamus could kill us to  we have to find the spot with a helicopter will be landing ok it's a 10-k walk  

We have one week to get there. We have 2  water bottles and we have found clean water to fill them. We have enough food to last us two days ok we start a walk now we need to go north east.

 we see a rattlesnake will be careful and go around it finally we find a knife lying in the  grass we are so happy now we finally have a knife now we have a knife we can make a spear i make to Spears for me and Hunter. Hunter found clean water. Finally we can follow are drink bottles now we have a spear and a knife. A hippopotamus is chasing us. We better run, we run up a tree, we are  safe  now we kill the hippopotamus Kate we have food to survive us the whole week we start walking.

We carry on walking and we have a 9-k Walker left.

  We found a boat that has a motor. We can start it. We have to go for a 3-k Ryde through a river.

 ok we finished our  boat ride we have 6-k left.

to walk ok we eat some food we go  to sleep we have 5 days left to walk we wake up we eat some food.

 we carry on walking a hippopotamus starts chasing us again a snake just about bites us.

 but we're safe we see a Jaguar if we quickly get in the  boat we are safe again.

The Jaguar goes away and the hippopotamus we go to sleep we wake up and eat some food.

 With 4 days left we have a 6-k walk lift ok we walk for the rest of the day.

 we walk 3-k wake up we eat some food we go to.

 we grab our stuff out of the boat ok we walk 2-k we fall into a booby trap we can't get out.

 we flash or torch there is a cave it is our only choice.

 we go through their diesel we climate we're out what's another 4-K walk 3 days to do it is night-time we go to sleep we wake up we eat some food.

 we walk 2-k  we get there the helicopter is there it just took off you scream at it  so that it comes back we are finally safe.


  1. Hello Declan it is Angelina form Totara 3. This is a really good piece of writing, I like how you told us how many km you had to left to walk. I also like that you added some animals into the story. The only thing you need to work on it putting some in like full stops and capital letter. Other then that, amazing story.
    - Angelina

  2. Hi Declan, I really like your story, some awesome ideas in there. Next time try reading it back to make sure it makes sense and add some capital letters and full stops. Other wise great effort.


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