Friday 6 November 2020

my nana and grandad


I love my Nana and granddad  here is a  thing that I did for my grandparents day. I love going to the farm because I get to Drive the  motorbikes and my granddad is teaching me how to drive a tractor and the reason why I love going there is because my Nana cooks the best dinners and desserts and she let me stay up late.


  1. Declan I love this slide about Nana & Grandad. You were amazing in assembly today. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the awesome work.

  2. Kia ora Declan it's Angelina from Totara 3.
    I really love this post, you can really tell how much you love your Grandparents by reading this. I love how you have added colour pictures so we can tell what it looks like doing so of these things, Like driving the tractor.

    Next time you could make the writing bigger on the post as it is a bit hard read, other then that astonishing post.
    What is your favourite thing about going to your Grandparents?

    Keep up the brilliant work, Goodbye for now


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